As there was a change in the synchro year we have had our second awards night of 2019. This was celebrating the synchro ‘year’ from January to September 2019.
As usual there was a disco, a buffet, a raffle and almost everyone in the club came along. The raffle had some amazing prizes, kindly donated by local businesses, and raised an amazing £298.
All swimmers who passed a grade during the ‘year’ received a certificate, beautifully designed by Makiko.
After some dancing our team Star Awards were presented by the coach of each team (or Margo, if the coach was not at the evening). They went to:
Beginners – Adriana
Grade 0/1 – Niamh M
Grade 2+ – Ilona
12&under – Paula
13-15 – Kiku
Junior – Jessie
Our club awards were also presented:
Beginner’s Cup – Rosa
Senior Achievement Shield – Mae
Samantha Ritchie Achievement Shield – Freya
Champion of the Year Trophy – Niamh P
Each year the swimmers vote to decide who receives the Coach of the Year Quaich and who will be the Club Captain for the forthcoming year. Margo won the Quaich and Cara the Club Captaincy. Unfortunately Cara was on a DofE expedition so couldn’t be at the awards night. She will be presented with the captain’s t-shirt at the AGM.
Congratulations to all our trophy winners and to all swimmers, coaches and volunteers for another amazing year at the club.
Chocolates were given to all volunteers as a token of the club’s gratitude.
The swimmers then danced the night away to our new DJ!
Thank you to everyone for coming.