It was the first Edinburgh Synchro Awards Night and Disco on Friday 19 January.
Almost all the club came along and it was a wondeful night. The raffle, which the swimmers had been selling tickets for since before Christmas, was drawn and there was an amazing array of prizes. In all £273 was raised for the club.
All swimmers who passed a grade during the year received a certificate, designed beautifully by Makiko.After some dancing our team star awards were presented by the coach of each team. They went to:
Combo D – Ella
Combo C – Jessie
Combo B – Eilidh
12&under – Torri
13-15 – Baylee
Junior – Caitlin
Our club awards were also presented:
Beginner’s Cup – Jessie
Senior Achievement Shield – Cale
Samantha Richie Achievement Shield – Maya
Champion of the Year Trophy – Niamh
Each year the swimmers vote to decide who receives the Coach of the Year Quaich and who will be Club Captain for the year. Sarah won the Quaich and Caitlin the Club Captain top.
Congratulations to all our winners and all those who received a grade certificate.
The award section of the evening ended with Margo being re-presented with her trophy for East District Synchro Person of the Year 2017 and all the coaches receiving a box of chocolates for all their hard work during the year.
The swimmers and parents then danced the night away….