Club Photo shoot

On Sunday 30th September there will be a photo shoot at the Royal Commonwealth Swimming pool for the club swimmers.

Margo Ahoy

Coach Margo is snapped by the paparazzi with Sir Chris Hoy when he received the Freedom of the City.

Margo at the Olympics

Eventually Margo has sent us a few pics from her volunteering at the London Olympics.

Synchronised Swimming Club 40th Celebration Event

The Merlin in Morningside on Sat 8th September was where the Edinburgh Synchronised Swimming Club held their 40th Celebration Event.  Many people shared old synchro news and enjoyed a selection of memorabilia, and nostalgic events describing the years since 1972.

Great Results at Bo’ness Skills Day

Some of the girls were at Bon’ness swimming pool on the 9th September trying for their skills grading. Congratulations to Katrina Tweedie who got her Skill 1 and to Nicole and Zoe who both gained their Skill 2 at Boness. Hard luck to Honor and Emily who both just missed out.

Synchronised Swimmer of the Year, Edie Turner

Congratulations to Edie. Yesterday, 14th September 2012,  Edie was surprised to find out that she was recognised for her committments and application to Synchro by being awarded with the Synchronised Swimmer of the Year Trophy. She was presented with a glass momento and trophy at the Glasgow Science Centre in the Scottish Swimming Awards and …

Synchronised Swimmer of the Year, Edie Turner Read More »

Edinburgh Synchro now on Twitter

If you want to keep up with Edinburgh Synchro news you can now follow us on twitter at @edinsynchro. All the websites posts will automatically be posted to Twitter.

Katie Skelton Team GB Synchronised Swimming

Katie has been on Twitter recommending Swimseal as an alternative to earplugs for swimmers. Click here for the website. If anyone has used it can you let us know what you think.

New Club Kit

Laura has kindly offered to model the new club kit which includes polo top, shorts, hoodie and joggies.