Beach Picnic June 2022

Fun was had by all at the beach picnic! The rain held off and some wonderful structures were created in the sandcastle competition. Thanks to all who came along and made it such a fun afternoon.

Christmas Display – 2021

Every year, Edinburgh Synchro Club ends the year with a Christmas Display, showcasing all the Technical and Free routines we have swum throughout the year, along with a special Christmas Routine, choreographed by our Junior Swimmers. Unfortunately, we had to cancel our in-person event this year, however, we did manage to film the Christmas routine …

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Swim England National Championships 2021

The Junior team took part in the Swim England National Championships in September. Due to the pandemic the competition was virtual. The swimmers filmed their routines over two weekends in August and September, then the top 12 in each category were live streamed on Sunday 26 September.

2021 Awards

Again, due to the pandemic there were very few competitions but the club awards were handed out at the AGM all the same, except the Champion of the Year. Star Awards were presented by the coach of each team.