Novice event – 21 May

Edinburgh took a large team to Bo’ness for the Novice Event. Well done to everyone who took part. Congratulations to our medal winners: Novice Level 1 figures silver – Jessica Novice Level 1 figures bronze – Anya Novice Level 1 duet gold – Anya and Jessica Novice Level 1 solo gold – Niamh Pr

Gateshead Open 2 April 2017

Nine swimmers went down to Gateshead for the first Gateshead Open competition. It was an age group competition and Edinburgh entered solos and duets in the 12&under and 13/14/15 category and a combination routine in the 13/14/15 category.

Skills assessment day – Sunday 5 March 2017

Well done to everyone who took part in the last ever skills assessment day on Sunday (we move on to Grades now). Amy, Eve, Flora, Freya, Miryam, Natalia and Torri passed skill two. Caitlin, Cale, Kiku and Sara passed skill three.

AGM / display – 22 January 2017

The club started off the year with our AGM and a display of routines from last year’s Novice Event and Scottish National Age Groups, plus one from Synchro Caledonia. Almost all swimmers in the club performed at least one routine.

New grades

Information about the new grades can be found via the link below. We will update our club pages to reflect these changes soon.